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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My hair colour transformation + Kao Liese Foam dye in Dark Chocolate


Over the past few years I've been changing my hair color alot which caused me chopping off my lovely hair a few times T_T  This is last year, when had blonde hair.

My hair was red, dark brown, milk brown, orange, blonde, jet black... I know what you are thinking but I like trying new things. I'll show my last 3 changes here. This is when I first dyed my blonde hair with Palty's turn color hair dye.

 My current hair color was fading so I dyed it again with Kao Liese Bubble Color in Dark Chocolate. I'll keep this color for a long time and my goal is this colour;


And now my hair color is dark again :)
I like this foamy hair dye but never guessed my bleached blonde undertones would turn out ash grey. I'll go to a saloon to fix it in a month, right now I am hiding it with an extension piece xD 

 Thank you for stopping by!
xoxo <3


  1. I love your dark hair!! <3 I think I need to dye my hair a dark color for work too :( It makes me sad to let go of my colored hair. Boo!

    1. oh no, you shouldn't T_T I so adore your hair, it's just soooo gorgeous!

      Thanks btw ^^

  2. Beautiful!
    You look great in all of those colors~~

  3. you look good with either blonde or dark one..
    i envy you, i tried to bleach my hair before and had almost a blonde hair
    but i guess its not for me..

    1. Thank you, I realised later that blonde doesn't fit me, too but I still don't regret it, if I wouldn't done it then, I would now xD

  4. you always look so pretty with any hair color ♥

  5. Wahh~ You're so gorgeous! >u<
    Any color looks good on you~ The brown gives a more elegant look, I think, whereas the blonde is more playful. c:

  6. As our population continues to age, more and more women are turning to professional permanent color to prevent their hair from looking dull and grey.

    organic hair color


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